
New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Published on: January 9, 2013 • Filed in: Industry News

So, how are your New Year’s resolutions coming along. Good, I hope. How about your business’s New Year’s resolutions?

What? You haven’t set resolutions for your business in 2013? Why not? It’s a great time of year to start fresh and see if you can attract new customers. Here are a few on-line based resolutions you might want to consider.

Give your business a new website. Been thinking about taking the plunge and going on-line? The first of the year is a great time to start a website before you spend the year’s advertising budget on something else. (You really should consider the costs as advertisement, because that’s exactly what it is.) More and more people are making buying decisions based on what they find on the web, and if you don’t have a website, you are missing out.

Update your business website. Already have one, but haven’t even looked at it yourself in the last year? You should. Out of date information turns customers off, and with a properly designed website, even a technophobe can post updates. I tell my customers that if they can Facebook, then they can learn how to post to their website, provided the website is well-built from the start.

Get social! Speaking of Facebook, does your business have a Facebook page? If not, get cracking! It’s totally free and a great way to build your customer base. Post about your specials, new products, or even industry news, just keep your business in front of your customer’s eyes. Once every couple of days is a good start. If you want to post updates every ten minutes, then you should go with a Twitter account instead.

Buy some advertising. Ever notice those ads at the top of your Google searches? You can do that, and they are probably not as expensive as you think, especially if you are already advertising on other media. Even a budget of a few dollars a day can make a huge difference in the traffic that your website gets.